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PM&R Lecture Series: AHEC Digital Library (ADL)

What do I need to know?

  1. The first thing you need to know is how to find us. The AHEC digital library is found at:
  2. Make sure you have an account. If you don't, you can request one by using the "Request an Account" link. Once your account has been approved by the librarians, a link will be sent to your email address. (Please use your Atrium Health email if you have one. That will make it easier to verify your status, and it will speed things along.)
  3. Once the housekeeping is out of the way, we can do our search! (See below).

Once you're logged into the ADL, you'll see a series of tabs across the top of your screen. You can browse by database, journals, or books, but you also have the option of browsing by topic by choosing "Health Topics."

Once you choose the "Health Topics" tab, you will see a screen that lists several different topics.

Choose "Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation" to see all of the databases, journals, and websites related to your topic.

The same process can be used for the topic "Evidence-Based Practice." 


Profile Photo
Brenda Almeyda
Charlotte AHEC Library
Carolinas Medical Center - Main


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Request an Account

Don't have an AHEC Digital Library (ADL) account yet? You can request one through the ADL website.