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Nursing: NUR 180

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This guide is no longer being updated. For the latest version of this guide, go to our new NC AHEC LibGuides page!

"Full text from OVID"

When searching for an article in CINAHL, you may come across an icon that looks like this:

An icon that says "Full text from OVID".

If you click on that link in hopes to find the article you so desperately want, you'll probably run into a login screen that you can't get around. Grr! So frustrating! But don't lose hope, dear student. Try getting the article by going directly to the OVID database itself.

"That's great!" you say. "How do I do that?"

From the ADL home screen, most likely a link or two under the CINAHL link, you'll see a link called "MEDLINE 1946-present." That's the OVID database. (I know it doesn't make sense, just go with it.) 


And just in case that wasn't a big enough pain in the rear end, there's one more thing you need to do. When you're in the OVID database, if you are looking for a specific title, make sure you check the "Title" option and uncheck the "Map Term to Subject Heading" box. Like this:

If, however, you're still super confused, you can always ask your friendly neighborhood librarian for help. Use the "Ask a Question" link on the ADL or on this guide and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

(Just remember that we don't work on the weekends so we won't get back to you until Monday morning if you ask us a question on Friday after 5:00 p.m. Librarians need a break too!)

Good luck, and happy searching!

--Your Friendly Neighborhood Librarian


Searching CINAHL (Review)

Presentation Criteria

Course/Clinical Presentation

Each student will conduct a course/clinical presentation at the end of NUR 180 utilizing the following criteria:

  • Select one (1) nursing journal article that reflects one of your assigned patients in NUR 180.  If possible, the patient’s diagnosis should reflect the curriculum for NUR 180. 
  • The article should be published within the last five (5) years.
  • Authored by an RN.
  • Must be approved by your clinical instructor by assigned deadline.
  • Five points will be deducted for each day the submission is late.
  • Must be no more than 15 minutes’ duration.
  • Include nursing care, interventions, patient teaching, nutritional concepts, and spiritual/cultural aspects of care. 
  • Compare/contrast information in the article to the clinical care of your patient.
  • Be creative and professional in your presentation i.e., use posters, games, handouts, models, care maps, etc. 
  • Use APA format for citations, and do not violate copyright laws including but not limited to pictures, cartoons, animation, sound or videos.
  • Students are expected to be dressed in business casual attire for presentation.
  • Students are expected to remain engaged as other students are presenting. Five points will be deducted from their presentation for lack of engagement i.e. use of phones, texting and/or lack of audience participation in other students’ presentations.
  • Include a tool to evaluate participants’ learning.
  • If student is unable to present on the regularly scheduled day, a zero will be awarded.  There will not be any opportunities for makeup.
  • For your clinical presentation grade to be incorporated in the final course grade, you must have a final testing grade of 76.50. Grades are not rounded.

Finding an Article by Journal Title


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Purdue OWL

Need help citing your resources? Don't know how to do an in-text citation? Try using the Online Writing Lab (OWL) provided by Purdue University.

Or try NC State's Citation Builder if you need a time-saving tool to help you cite your sources.

The Charlotte AHEC Library is on YouTube!