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Needs Assessment 2019: Databases

Which subscription databases offered through the ADL do you use the most?

Which database(s) would you like to see offered through the ADL in the future?

  1. n/a
  2. don't know
  3. not sure
  4. Not sure.
  5. OpposingViewPointsInContext
  6. Not sure what else is available
  7. ?
  8. CINAHL covers my bases pretty well
  9. EBSCO
  10. N/A
  11. All the ones listed above.
  12. n/a
  14. These are fine for me
  15. none
  16. Not applicable
  17. Just expansion of existing journals available and providing full (or less limited) access to non-faculty, who are engaged in scholarly/research activities.
  18. LGBT Health Journal, Academic Search Complete
  19. More available journals through the above
  20. I don't know what there is to choose from
  21. I am not sure
  22. Dynamed
  23. same as checked
  24. Google Scholar
  25. the current databases meet the vast majority of my needs
  26. Cochrane,
  27. Federal Grants, International Grants and Foundation grant opportunities
  28. Uptodate
  29. JSTOR
  30. Something like Endnote that will do the references...
  31. We just need more up-to-date peer-reviewed journal articles (full text). When searching, most article returns are not accessible. I often have to turn to Google Scholar, open access journals, or journal access via professional organization membership that I pay for out of my own pocket.
  32. More education on other search options
  33. no additional databases; I believe ERIC was available the last time I was in the ADL
  34. N/A
  35. Academic Search Ultimate
  36. n/a